Veterans showed appreciation | News, sports, work
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Veterans showed appreciation | News, sports, work

Veterans showed appreciation | News, sports, work

On September 19, Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla Jr. hosted a bimonthly breakfast for Jefferson County veterans. He commented on his support for veterans’ actions and concerns. Adballa said he wants all veterans to be aware of this “welfare control” policies that include calling his office if you think a veteran may need help. Authorities said a deputy would be dispatched to the scene to check on the person. On November 21, Abdalla will host a Christmas luncheon for veterans at noon. During breakfast, the sheriff introduced Jefferson County Veterans Association Adjutant Barry Bardone, who spoke about Project SAVE 22, a nonprofit, 501c(3) program that raises awareness and provides funding to prevent the 22 veteran suicides that occur every day . Bardone has circulated a petition he will be presenting to gain support for state Rep. Ron Ferguson, R-Wintersville, to introduce legislation to create a state license plate recognizing SAVE22. Urges all veterans and others to contact your state representative and senator to support this effort.

— He contributed

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