Next weekend is amateur radio day in Melbourne
1 min read

Next weekend is amateur radio day in Melbourne

MELBOURNE, Fla. – Walkie talkie operators become essential when normal communications are interrupted during a storm. To raise awareness of the role they play, the Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Association is hosting its annual field day this weekend.

What you need to know

  • As hurricane season heats up, local amateur radio operators may be essential in the event of a power loss
  • The Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Association is hosting its annual field day in Melbourne this weekend
  • Group leaders say the field day is an opportunity for operators to practice their skills

This day is an opportunity for operators to test their radios in the field and compete to see who can reach the most hams in North and South America.

The association works closely with the Brevard Emergency Operations Center and the Melbourne Fire Department to ensure continuity of communication during emergencies.

“No matter the conditions – hurricanes, earthquake, flood, fire – amateur radio always shows up and is always ready to help,” said Vince Weal of the Platinum Coast Amateur Radio Association.

The field day takes place from 2pm Saturday to 2pm Sunday at the Melbourne Fire Training Centre.

The event is free and open to the public.